Friday, April 18, 2014

Offers reminder of a town's right to have a school


Jen Iannucci: Urges a no/no vote on April 29

Art Cummings' column, "Region 12 would be better off with a no/no vote on 
April 29th" (The News-Times, April 13) has inspired me to write this response.
"Given all the issues involved, and weighing all the factors, I sincerely believe the 
Region 12 school district would be better off by voting No/No on April 29 and then 
going back to the drawing board for a more enlightened, more harmonious, 
less expensive, more common-sense solution," Cummings wrote.
I couldn't agree with him more.
As the former chair of Save Our Schools, I have stayed quiet these many months
 trying to listen and understand both sides of the debate.
I could certainly spend a lot of time sharing my opinion why I think keeping 
Burnham and Booth is the more viable option, I could also spend time weighing
the benefits of a consolidated school, but I think everyone has heard enough 
reasons, and at this point in the game I don't believe too many minds will be 
What I do want is to remind everyone that we (the town of Bridgewater) and the 
PAC Save Our Schools fought hard in the 1980s, in 2005-2007 and continues to 
fight in 2013-2014 to maintain our right. Yes, it's our right to maintain our school 
in our town.
We brought this issue not that long ago to the State Supreme Court. The fact that 
we have State Statute 10-47c. (...If the majority vote in each town of the district is 
in favor of the proposed amendment to the plan, such amendment shall take effect 
immediately... ) 
In other words, if any one town votes it down, the proposed amendment to the 
plan will fail.
This is why we are being faced with two questions on April 29. Because Cited. 
169 C. 613. 
Proposal to consolidate three separate elementary schools into a single school, 
thereby eliminating elementary schools in two towns, is not an incidental change
 to the regional school plan and constitutes an amendment to the plan under 
section; conclusion in Atwood v. Regional School District... is protecting us from 
being forced to close our hometown school.
We are three wonderful towns that should be working together to come up with 
a plan that fits the needs of each community and the strong autonomy we each
hold. We should not be voting on a referendum that we all have known from the 
start would divide the region's community, create tension among friends, and 
stall the growth of these towns.
Yet here we are and I really don't understand why the Region 12 Board of 
Education thought the outcome would be any different.
I believe the declining enrollment is not due to the economic times but due to the 
ongoing unresolved debate of the Region 12 schools. While communities around 
us are building more schools because of increasing population, we are scaring 
potential buyers away with futile debates.
While we fight about where the schools should be, families who do live in town 
are sending their kids elsewhere.
I hope that once Bridgewater votes NO NO on April 29 the Board of Education 
will respect the outcome and finally move toward the more harmonious solution.
Perhaps now we might consider re-configuration of Booth Free and Burnham 
School and bring Washington students to this side of the region for the "change" 
that everyone is looking for.
Jen Iannucci is a resident of Bridgewater.
New Milford Spectrum

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